Health insurance

Statutory health insurance funds:

Osteopathy is not covered by health insurance, but most statutory health insurance companies now reimburse a proportion of your osteopathic treatment costs. However, these insurance companies reimburse under two conditions:

Osteopathy prescription:

You need a doctor’s prescription. The word “osteopathy” must appear on the prescription.

Association membership:

The osteopath must be listed as a member of an association. We make sure that all our therapists have completed extensive training in order to be listed in the association.

The amount of reimbursement varies depending on the health insurance fund. You are our customer and you receive the invoice from us. You can then submit this together with the prescription (unless your health insurance company is one of the exceptions)


On this page you can see whether your health insurance company supports osteopathic treatment:

Private health insurance:

As an osteopath, you must be a non-medical practitioner or doctor in order to legally practise osteopathy. As a rule, private health insurance companies cover the costs of alternative practitioners. We make sure that all our therapists have successfully completed the alternative practitioner examination. Check whether any benefits for alternative practitioners have been excluded from your tariff.

We have many years of experience in issuing medical practitioner invoices. In our experience, certain health insurance companies are increasingly trying to cancel or reduce benefits. Therefore, in some cases we cannot promise you full reimbursement despite having private insurance.

To be sure whether your health insurance company will cover the pro rata costs, please contact your health insurance company.