Osteopathy 2.0 – Mechanical link
Mechanical link osteopathy was developed in the 1980s by the French osteopath Paul Chauffour. In this method, each patient is examined according to a strict protocol. A distinction is made between eight examination units. These are the spine, the thorax, the joints, the bones, the vascular system, the organs, the cranial bones and the nerves.
The osteopath searches the entire body for tension changes in the tissue using a standardized, detailed examination protocol. The most important current tension change in the tissue is found by means of many inhibition tests in all eight examination units and the direct comparison of these. The treatment is carried out using a so-called recoil. A recoil is a quick, short, precise but gentle manual impulse on the tissue. The result is tested in order to find any remaining tension changes and treat them again.
As this technique is very gentle, it is particularly suitable for older people, children and patients with chronic complaints.