
Operator of this website and responsible for its content:

Osteopathie am Römer
Andreas Hubrich
Alte Mainzer Gasse 15
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Tax ID: 014 829 30741

Owner of “Osteopathie am Römer”

Andreas Hubrich
Phone: 069 / 95 90 90 53

The professional title is: Heilpraktiker (Germany)
The professional regulation is the “Gesetz über die berufsmäßige Ausübung der Heilkunde ohne Bestallung” (Heilpraktikergesetz) of 17.02.1939, amended by Art. 53 of the EGStGB of 02.03.1974.

Supervisory authority

City Health Department Frankfurt
Breite Gasse 28
60311 Frankfurt am Main


Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.


We have compiled and checked the contents of our website with great care. Nevertheless, we assume no liability for the completeness, accuracy, timeliness or quality of the information. The latter also applies to external content (e.g. links, etc.)


If you would like to link to our site, we would be honored, but please send us a short message via


Only Andreas Hubrich owns the rights to use the content and design of our website. Reproduction, modification or use for commercial purposes is not permitted without our prior written consent.

Supervisory authority:

The Hessian Data Protection Commissioner
P.O. Box 31 63
65021 Wiesbaden
Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1
65189 Wiesbaden
Tel. 0611/1408-0
Fax 0611/1408-900 or -901

Concept and implementation:

Digital media world
Frankfurt am Main